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Fast to scan codes. No long waiting. Finds most of everything scanned.Tells you where you can find item your looking for in stores near you. So far the best that I have tryed. November 9, 2016 - Daniel Vengrin Sr
I don't get all those negative reviews. It works as expected (on both Kitkat and Lollipop). Thank you developers. October 30, 2016 - Mickey Mouse
Elb Scanner worked great and was able to read barcode quickly. So far so good. October 29, 2016 - Edward Bartol
Very. Good 14.09.16 September 14, 2016 -
Very useful app February 10, 2016 - Arastun Namazov
Excellent app February 20, 2016 - Todor Kulev
Great app February 20, 2016 - Tony Vernaccho
This is great, gives me accurate pricing December 14, 2015 - Barbara S
Perfect gives product details as well December 24, 2015 - MANISH LALWANI
Love it, the best program among other similar December 1, 2015 - Vakhtang Baiashvili
Really works January 15, 2016 - Pamela Brown
nice nice app January 20, 2016 - emman aleman
Engineer I love it October 5, 2015 - Vakhtang Baiashvili
Mikey d October 28, 2015 - Michael Draughn
Good App August 30, 2015 - Phath Phanith
Great app! It is very easy for me to know which country the product is made or packed. June 20, 2015 - Phalla Chan
Country Checker is the only App I found that u can type barcode manually !! If the scanner doesn't pick up the barcode then just type in the numbers!! Works Great!! Is easy to use too! Most apps don't even have a scan button like this app, so u know its actually doing something unlike others! I so Love this app!! November 30, 2014 - Chrystal Bergeron
Lg Cool December 16, 2013 - Daisy Torres
Understand INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH IS KEY.. these apps are brand aids to keep the CONSUMER electronically STRAIGHT... even if it doesn't work out for the unimaginable demand September 3, 2015 - William Randolph